Monday, October 4, 2010

MAC Week2 Reading

Chapter 4 Summary: How we look upon life and react is our contribution. It could be something small or something big but don’t waste time fretting over trivial matters instead take each moment that you are given and treasure it by making a difference for the greater good. You never know how this may affect others.

Chapter 5 Summary: As a leader if a mistake is made and blamed on an individual and come to find out the leader is the one making the mistake. The leader should apologize and correct the mistake and the leader will be appreciated for admitting his/her mistake. Also, utilize other’s intelligence and thoughts by listening and when it’s appropriate incorporate good ideas shared by others and give acknowledgement to the person behind the idea. Rely on those you are in charge of and allow them to take the lead and see where it takes them and their peers. This builds confidence and others may rise up and shine more than in the past.

Chapter 6 Summary: “Lighten up and don’t take yourself so seriously” pretty much sums up this chapter. Live each moment stress free and learn from experience. Those focused on order and systems don’t see the bigger picture or don’t allow themselves to see a different way to accomplish things. Chill out and learn through your experiences. You may even learn to appreciate your environment in a new way.


  1. I like you summery of Chapter 5 and wish it had not taken me so long to realize it was ok to admit my mistakes to my students. I never blamed them but also did not openly admit when I made a mistake. Life is much easier now.

  2. Excellent summary, Collette.

    Chapter 6 is another way of saying, "Don't sweat the small stuff", right?

  3. Great explanations of each chapter. I haven't been in the classroom teaching students in about 2 years, but I used to always make mistakes just so that I could be corrected. I worked with GT students that often couldn't handle mistakes or failures. It was funny the first time I used the "mistake" with them because no one wanted to correct me. Finally after about 10 minutes of no comment and the mistake shining big on the LCD projection, I took advantage and we talked about it. I used your philosophy of "It could be something small or something big but don’t waste time fretting over trivial matters" but related it to mistakes and getting over them.

  4. Excellent summary but don't you find this philosophy easier said than done. How hard it is for most of us to grasp the limitless possibilities that await us daily, to see ourselves as integral players in our own realities, to "live, laugh, love". Often we find ourselves being held back by the things we assume we can't change which most times turns out to be just "trivial matters".

  5. Collette thank you for the nice summary. I kind of wish I read this prior to reading the chapters. Nice work and thanks a lot. Maybe next week I will review your stuff prior to reading the chapters. Thanks a bunch!
